Bon Chon Chicken
Posted September 16, 2010
Tonight we had the Korean version of buffalo wings… Bon Chon Chicken. Not bad. Thanks Wan. He got it from Cafe Soho.
Some HDR processing
Posted September 14, 2010
Sometimes HDR processing can really enhance a photo. Now that Apple has introduced a HDR feature in their new iOS people are wondering how it’ll improve their photos…
Here’s a photo I took the other day on the UPenn Campus…
With a little post processing using some HDR software, this is what I get…
You’ll notice that the greens come out a lot better. I admit that I may have overdone it on the tonemapping part, but I can live with it. There are other things that I could have done to clean up the photo, but I’m content.
Switched to Google Voice
Posted August 30, 2010
Today, I made it official. I’m using Google Voice(GV) as my primary phone service. I had been thinking about this for a while, but the recent addition to Gmail, where you can call and receive phone calls within Gmail, was the tipping point. There are for sure positives and negatives to this move and there are some things people need to know when using GV.
Philadelphia Wall Murals (Photofunia revisited)
Posted August 26, 2010
I realize that there are a lot of wall murals, but this is ridiculous. Actually, I was just revisiting one of my favorite sites, Photofunia. Make sure to check it out. Be prepared to waste some time having some fun.
No joke though, Philadelphia does have a lot of wall murals all around the city. Maybe that’ll be a future photography project.
The future of the Prius
Posted August 24, 2010
No more sneaking up on people in the parking lot and waiting for them to realize that you are indeed behind them.
This week in Philly
Posted August 21, 2010
Another interesting week on the east coast. I worked like crazy this past week and continue to work like crazy. We did a lot of walking and had some guests. We finally had guests over for dinner for the first time. Does this mean our house is ready? Not really, but it’s getting closer.
Last week we went to the Art Museum area and this week we went again. This time we went at night. I got a few good shots, but my view of the city was partially blocked by a showing of a movie on the steps of the museum. Guess what movie they were showing. You guessed it… Rocky.
Other than that, it’s been a normal week. Today we finally ate at Bobby’s Burger Palace. It’s a burger place opened by Chef Bobby Flay. I would say it was a good burger but for the price, I was expecting a bigger burger.
This coming up week won’t be any different. A lot of work and more work. I’m hoping to have to make the other room to have some semblance of an office. We will see. Here are some photos taken this week:
Cross country gas expense
Posted August 19, 2010
Just did a quick calculation of all the gas we spent going cross country. After traveling almost 3100 miles in our little Prius, we spent about $163.76. Not bad. Of course, this doesn’t include money spent on food and lodging, but pretty good. Not doing another cross country road trip anytime soon.
Go Anteaters!
Posted August 19, 2010
My friend sent me a link to a photo of Leonardo Dicaprio wearing a UCI (University of California, Irvine) hat. I’m proud to be an Anteater.