Rodman / Tramel Wedding

Posted January 7, 2009

Finally finished going through Tim and Emily’s wedding. Here are some shots from their wedding.

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Congratulations to Erik and Dorothee Johnson

Posted January 5, 2009

img_2429Congratulations to Erik (Kjell) and Dorothee Johnson who were married on January 3rd, 2009.  How do I know?  Well, I was the photographer at the wedding.  I must say, one of the best weddings I have shot.  There were a few reasons why, but the picture to the left is probably one of my favorite, if not my best shot I’ve taken for a wedding.  This was barely processed.  One huge thing (and I mean that in more ways than one) that I had with me this time was a rented Canon 85 1.2L lens.  I mean, this thing was huge, but it produced some shots that were absolutely stunning.  If anyone wants to buy me a birthday present, here is a link to the amazon page where you can buy it for me.  Okay, maybe not, but one thing is for sure, I will rent this lens again in the future.  Pictures from this wedding to come soon.

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My digital camera history

Posted January 2, 2009

canon_40dI’ve owned my share of digital cameras.  It’s really interesting to see how things have changed from my love of gadgets to my love of photography.  Don’t get me wrong… I love me my gadgets, but at this point of my life, if I had to choose between getting the money shot or getting the latest and greatest gadget, I totally go for the money shot.  I know my wife doesn’t believe that, but it’s true.  Here’s a little short history of the digital cameras I’ve owned in the past.

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A Year in Review

Posted December 31, 2008

As I approach the end of 2008 (thirty minutes to midnight, and maybe 2009 by the time I finish posting this), I just wanted to reflect on 2008.  I can’t remember too much.  It just flew by.  Maybe that’s why I decided to startup the blog again.  This won’t be really a summary of what has happened, but just my overall impressions and just memorable things going on.  2008 was basically the start of a new stage in my life.  May and I just graduated from the FTTA and basically we had to deal with life after the training.  I guess the biggest thing that happened was we both decided to serve full time.  May decided to serve full time at the training center and I started my full time service at Bibles for America.  Even to this day, I still can’t believe we are both serving.  This year was filled with just normal and ordinary days.  That’s not a bad thing at all.  I really think the Lord provided me with just normal days in the church life.  We rejoined our small group and I’m still learning how to serve the Lord.

Anything new in 2008?  I would one say that one thing new that definitely happened was the matter of weddings.  Before this year, you know how many weddings I shot?  I would say 3 weddings in all over the past 4 years.  This year I shot 7 weddings in all.  Now I have itch to shoot more.  I definitely had a some inspiration…  Todd (going to get those post processing lessons from you soon), Maryanne (great to finally meet you in person.  Have a great time in Europe), the Becker (can’t wait to work with you on your projects), and just many other photographers.  So far, only one wedding booked in 2009 (this Saturday), but we’ll see what comes up.

Well, I don’t do new year’s resolutions, but I do have some hopes and expectations.  I hope to definitely shoot more weddings in 2009.  I know that Omatik will blow up (in a good way) this year.  Most of all, I hope and I expect that the Lord would grow in me more and just give me more normal days.

Okay, nothing special or profound… and it’s still 2008.

Happy New Year everyone (all 2-3 people who actually read this blog).

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I do play hockey

Posted December 30, 2008

HockeyI’m always  telling people I play hockey but sometimes I think that they don’t believe me at all.  Well… Here’s some proof.  As far as the game is concerned, a  very dissappointing 4-3 loss to an inferrior team.  Well, one more game of season next monday…  11pm start time… ugh.

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My favorite picture of the year

Posted December 29, 2008

Four Season, Carlsbad, CA

Four Seasons, Carlsbad, CA.  Not much of a story to this one.  I was shooting at the Newmatic Engineering dinner and I got there a little bit earlier.  This was right outside the room where the dinner was held.  This is a HDR image.  Basically it’s three images overlaid on top of each other and processed.  Of course, I wanted to make it look like a painting.

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A new blog (again!)

Posted December 29, 2008

Okay… I’ve started and restarted many blogs in the past.  I think this time will be able to sustain it.  Why?  Well, I think I’m more in the blogging mode than in the past.  Why am I starting another blog?  I just like to be able to look back at the year and see what has happened.  2008 has been an interesting year.  I’m a year out of the Full-time Training now and I still feel like a lot has happened.  Anyway, just ranting right now, but I guess that’s what I can do on my own blog.  I will definitely post up pictures and probably won’t even object to posting pictures of people.  In the past I had a policy of not posting pictures of people without their permission.  We’ll see how that goes.

I guess this will be a blog of a photographer, gadget lover, programmer, but most importantly a lover of Christ.

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