My favorite photo revisited

Posted January 20, 2009

Okay… so now I’m into new ways of processing (and sometimes over processing) photos, I wanted to see what kind of things I can do to one of favorite, if not my favorite, photos that I have ever taken.  It’s not necessarily my favorite photo, but at least one of the ones which I have taken.

img_4153 img_4153-1
Original Processed

As you can tell, the processed one has more contrast and saturation of colors.  The original is more representative what we saw.  The sand was that white and the water was that clear.  The processed one is more dramatic, especially in the sky.  Anyway, something interesting that I kind of wanted to do.  What do you think?

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Long Exposure Photography

Posted January 20, 2009

long_expWebsite: Digital Photography School – Long Exposure Photography

I think I want to get into long exposure photography more, along with HDR photos.  Some of the shots on these websites are absolutely stunning.  Check it out.

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Website: Flick River

Posted January 19, 2009

flickriverWebsite: Flick River
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Kind of a cool concept of how they do the website.  The website is basically a Flickr viewer but with a twist.  Scroll all the way down and it’ll be a while until you end up at the bottom.  I’m thinking about doing this for my photo bog site.


Old photos revisited

Posted January 19, 2009

I’ve been getting into this HDR thing more and more.  One way to do HDR images is to take one photo, increase and decrease the exposure and combine them together.  I went to back to some old photos to try this out.  Of course, I went a little extreme on some of them purposely to see what kind of effects I can do.

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Website: Stuck in Customs

Posted January 18, 2009

sicWebsite: Stuck in Customs
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This is a great site introduced to me by my buddy Todd.  This site is an inspiration to my HDR experimenting.  This guy does amazing HDR photos… I mean amazing.

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The Obama Inauguration: Lego-Style

Posted January 16, 2009

the-obama-inauguration-lego-styleToo crazy.  Too much time on their hands.

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My favorite is the caption for this picture…  “As expected: an overwhelming turnout.”

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Website: Vincent Laforet’s Blog

Posted January 16, 2009

laforetWebsite: Vincent Laforet’s Blog
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If you don’t know who Vincent Laforet is, he is a photographer who recently made a lot of news by being one of the first people to shoot some videos with the new Canon 5D Mark II camera (btw, if you want to buy me one of these.. by all means).  The short film he made is called “Reverie.”  The quality of the film is absolutely awesome using just the 5D.  Check out his blog and his latest shoot in Hawaii.

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Gmail Labs – Send and Archive

Posted January 15, 2009

gmailYet another reason why I love Gmail.  If you’ve never discovered Gmail Labs, there are a lot of cool things in there.  The latest one that I’ve discovered (via the Mashable website) is the Send and Archive feature.  I was peaking over the shoulder of one of my co-workers and saw that the number of un-read message in his inbox was in the 4 digit range.  I was shocked.  I usually don’t like to have any unread message.  That aside, I’m always striving for inbox=0, meaning nothing in my inbox.  With other email services, you are afraid to delete messages.  With Gmail, you are given the luxury of archiving messages.  The Send and Archive feature is just another step in heading towards inbox=0.  When I send a message, I always want to archive that thread.  Now it does it for me automatically.  Okay, the next step for me… better labels so I can really archive everything in my inbox.

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Japanese Garden – Huntington Library, Pasadena, CA

Posted January 15, 2009

japanese-garden-tmAnother HDR shot.  I think I overdid it a bit this time.  Too much saturation, but what the heck… I like it. 🙂  For those of you who don’t know the process behind creating a HDR image, I basically take 3 images (you can do more of course), one image being normal exposure, and the others being one lower and one higher exposed shot.  The idea is the combine all three together to create an image that is has a high dynamic range.  I’ve included the three shots used to create the final product.

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Review: Icebreakers Ice Cubes

Posted January 14, 2009

icecubesReview: Icebreakers Ice Cubes

As you can see… neither a thumbs up nor a thumbs down.  I just don’t have any graphic that’s in between.
:Really good initial taste.
: The taste and flavor was completely gone in less than 10 min.
Verdict: Even though the taste was good, it’s never a good thing where I can probably count the number of chews before the flavor goes away.  I can’t give it a thumbs down because the flavor is not bad, but the thumb is tilting down for sure.

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