Latest pictures from Boston (mostly HDR photos)

Posted January 27, 2009

Here are some pictures I took today wandering around Boston.

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Website: Bibles for America

Posted January 26, 2009

bfaWebsite: Bibles for America
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Visit the newly redesigned Bibles for America site.  Bibles for America (BfA) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to distribute free copies of the New Testament Recovery Version and Christian literature throughout the United States.

Just as a little disclaimer, I do work for Bibles for America, although I only had a little part in this particule website.

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Portland: Day 3

Posted January 25, 2009

At the end of my trip. No pictures today but just a simple day. I made it to the Lord’s day meeting which was really sweet. The college age students were away so the numbers were kind of small. After the meeting we had lunch and just watched some basketball games. Of course one game was watching my Lakers win. After dinner we visited some saints and now I’m here at the airport. It might be a rough day. I have a red-eye flight with a layover in Atlanta in route to Boston. When I arrive I have to take the subway to the Cambridge meeting hall. We’ll see what happens. I don’t sleep well on planes either. I might spend my first day in Boston sleeping most of the time. We’ll see what happens.

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Portland: Day 2

Posted January 24, 2009

portland9Another great day in Portland.  Ben took me out to see the city.  Of course, first order of business was to get a beanie at REI.  After a small pizza lunch we drove around looking at different parts of the city.  We saw a lot of bridges of course and I got a few good pictures today.  We spent a little time at Powell’s Books, the largest independent used and new bookstore in the world.

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My latest shot from Portland

Posted January 24, 2009

portland8My latest shot from portland today.

Marquam Bridge

Update coming later tonight.

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Portland: First full day report

Posted January 23, 2009

crownpointThe day started with a nice breakfast at the Cadillac Cafe.  After a quick stop by the Columbia Sport Outlet store, we made our way up Crown Point to see a nice view of the Columbia River Gorge.  When we got to the point and got out the car, all I have to say is windy!  I mean really windy!  Did I mention it was windy?  Actually it was the worst wind that I’ve ever been in by far.  I don’t even know why we were out there to be honest.  I just wanted to take a look and get the shot.

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First shots from Portland

Posted January 23, 2009

portland01First full day in Portland.  We did some  hiking today and saw a number of waterfalls.  I just wanted to do a few HDR shots today.  Here’s one of the first ones I shot.  It turned out really well.  The main thing was to try to capture the sky as well.

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A lot cameras…

Posted January 22, 2009

beijingI was just looking through my bookmarks and came across this site from the Beijing Olympics.   Man, that’s a lot of photographers.  Don’t you think they can just email each other the picture to save some time?  🙂

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Beep. Click. Fume. – TWIPPHOTO.COM

Posted January 21, 2009

I like reading the story behind either a photograph or a tip on photography.  This article was written by a writer named Andy Ihnatko of the Chicago Sun Times.  He has a certain type of humor and style that I enjoy reading.  Okay, I won’t summarize the article but just link to it.  Maybe you won’t find it as interesting as I do, but oh well.

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Website: – coverage of the inauguration using photosynth

Posted January 20, 2009

cnnWebsite: – coverage of the inauguration using photosynth.

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Photosynth is some really cool technology.

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