Upgrade your browser

Posted March 4, 2009

browser_graphJust a little rant.  I started my blog for a number of reasons.  One of them of course was out of pure boredom.  Another reason of course was so I could at the end of the year recall what I was thinking and what I had done in the past year.  A secondary reason was just as an experiment, both in this social networking world and just to view the behavior of web users.  The other day I was looking at my stats and I almost fell off my chair when I saw someone was still using Internet Explorer 5.  It was still only 4 visits, but man… come on.  Upgrade your browser.  🙂

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Sky-high costs to use a toilet?

Posted March 4, 2009

rWhen I was in Europe, one of the things we discovered is really cheap, budget airlines such as Ryan Air.  I think it came out to like $40 to fly from London to Dublin.  Talking about trying to nickel and dime everyone, Ryan Air is thinking about charging for the use of toilets.  All I have to say is, this better not be a trend for the industry.

View full story from Reuters

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Good times in LA

Posted March 1, 2009

I had a good time hanging out with some of the old USC team gang. A few of us went to go visit Justin near UCLA. Not much to say but just good times, good fellowship, lots of fun. We went to Amandine Patissiere for some coffee and dessert, then back to Justin’s place where he cooked for us a feast.

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Self Portrait

Posted February 26, 2009

self-portraitI was just listening to my favorite photography podcast, Twip Photo, and they were interviewing a photographer from Iceland, Rebekka Guðleifsdóttir, who got very popular in Flickr with her album, “multiplicity.”  I thought it was a cool concept and I just wanted to give it a try.  Of course, I’m not that artistic so I decided to start with something simple.

Check our her website and the multiplicity page on Flickr.

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Website: Lite Flick

Posted February 26, 2009

liteflickWebsite: Lite Flick

Thanks to “Coach” who commented in my Flick River post, he/she suggest I check out Lite Flick.  Another interesting way to view Flickr pics.

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Dwight Howard hits 75 footer

Posted February 25, 2009

I can do that.

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Apple Safari 4 beta: Initial Impressions

Posted February 24, 2009

safariApple has just released the beta version of Safari 4. They are calling it the “world’s fastest web browser.” When I told my co-worker that, his response was, “Even faster than Google Chrome?”  Since Google Chrome is not out yet for the Mac I can’t do a fair comparison.  I would say that sites do render way faster in Safari 4 than in any other browser.  It is still in beta.  Even I found a bug while writing this post.  I actually had to switch back to Firefox because I couldn’t do some things in my editor.  One thing that I miss in Firefox and Chrome that all versions of Safari are missing is the ability to just quickly go to a particular tab.  For example, on a Mac, if I have six tabs open in Firefox, if I’m on the first tab and I want to go to the forth tab, all I have to do is press ‘Command + 4’ and I’m there.  I don’t have to click on the tab with my mouse or Ctrl-tab my way to the forth tab.  Remember, the keyboard is always faster than the mouse.  Maybe I’ll do a post on my keyboard shortcuts one day.

By the way, once again… if you are still using Internet Explorer 6, please upgrade.  Actually, if you are using Internet Explorer, my question is… why?  🙂  Google Chrome, Firefox, or Safari are the way go.

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It’s morphin time

Posted February 23, 2009

Found this…  Made this a while ago when I was in college.  Yes, I was a little bored.  After I did this, Mark asked me to do one for his wedding.  Don’t worry Mark and Elenore, I won’t post it.  🙂

[flashvideo file=video/Patrick.flv /]

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Posted February 20, 2009

This guy gets better gas mileage than I do. I drive a Prius too and he drives an Accord. Let me just say… a little excessive but still some lessons to learn.

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