Customer Service, How May I Help You?
Posted January 4, 2014
At least 3-4 times a year, I make a trip back to Southern California. With every trip, a few things are always involved… plane tickets, car rentals, going out to eat, and seeing family and friends. Three of the four items got me thinking of something… customer service. Even in this last trip, I’ve had to do deal with customer service a lot because of flight cancellations. Of course, we often associate customer service with talking to an agent on the phone or for specific services, but in food, customer service has a lot to do with your overall experience as well. Customer service also affects our overall impressions of a company or a place.
Acer C720 Chromebook Review
Posted October 29, 2013
I’ve only had the Acer C720 Chromebook for only a few days and I can already say that I don’t have any regrets with my purchase. At $250, it was an easier risk to take than buying an inexpensive netbook or ultrabook at $400 – $500. For that price, you would get a heavy and bulky machine with a 15″ screen. I was looking for an ultra portable computer that was light on the wallet and that could run the programs I needed. I first considered an iPad, but for me to do any work required a good internet connection. Out of the box, ChromeOS does require an internet connection, but with some tweaks, it has become a very useful work machine. I’ll cover those tweaks in another post… mainly the installation of Linux over ChromeOS. In this short review I’ll mainly cover the out of the box experience.
Posted July 23, 2013
I just got back from California a few weeks ago. It was a trip of eating and more eating.
Here are some of the places that we ate at… Guppy Teahouse, Classroom 302, The Counter, In-N-Out Burger, Korean Tofu / BBQ, Aiisen Ramen, Yogurtland, Souplantation, and to we finished off the trip at McDonalds at the airport. Of course there was all the food we ate at the three weddings we went to. It was only a two week trip but we made the most of it. 🙂
- Classroom 302
- Classroom 302
- The Counter
- The Counter
- Best Corn Ever
- In-N-Out Burger
- A&J
- Soup Plantation
- Korean Tofu
- McDonald
The nursery
Posted June 26, 2013
It’s starting to get real. The past few days have consisted of clearing out my office, taping and painting the walls, and putting together a baby crib. Oh the things I do for this baby girl. She’s not even born yet, but I already love her with all my heart. Can’t wait to see her.
- Cleaning out the office
- Taping and Painting
- Painting done
- Crib!
New Homepage Design
Posted June 15, 2013
Finally got around to redoing my homepage. I didn’t do the design. I took it off a template and make it my own. Hope you enjoy it. I’m just trying to stay as minimal as possible. My blog redesign should be coming soon too.
Check it out:
Posted December 11, 2012
Wow… haven’t been this excited about a product in a while. I hope they can deliver and pull it off.
Click here to see the project.