Website: Photofunia
Posted March 23, 2009
![]() Facebook profile pictures will never be the same. This is just too cool of a site using face detection technology. Let the embarrassing and creative photos begin. |
Website: Common Craft
Posted March 19, 2009
This is a great website. Basically, these guys are experts at doing presentations to explain things that are not always easy to explain into plain English. They explain things like Twitter, Bloggin, Wikis, etc. If you have a chance, do a search on their site for something like “rss”. Also, check out their blog and they will show you how they create one of these videos.
Joining the war against IE6
Posted March 18, 2009
Just joining my buddy George in the war against IE6. For me, this is not a war again Microsoft but against Internet Explorer 6. I’ve ranted about this before but just joining in now with my buddy. I’m not too extreme. I’m okay with IE7, but even then, you’re still using an unsecure web browser. We’re fighting for web standards, secure browsing, more stable browsers, and just browsers that work right. As you can see, I’m not quite as eloquent as George. Make sure to read his blog entry on “a declaration of war against internet explorer 6.”
Copy and Paste on iPhone/iPod touch… Finally!
Posted March 17, 2009
Is it just me or do you find it a little bit funny how people get excited over something that should have been there from the start. Copy and paste is now available on the iPhone / iPod touch.
A quote from the Engadget live blog of the event:
“Now as I said before, 3.0 brings a lot of new features for devs, but for customers as well… starting… with cut, copy, and paste.” Big cheers.
Then I mentioned it to some friends who hadn’t heard the news yet and they were totally excited. This is a feature that should have been there even before the released the first iPhone. Better late than never I guess. For me, I’ll wait for the Palm Pre to come out to make my decision on my next phone. Maybe the next generation iPhone, who knows.
Jelly Car, the best iPod game ever!
Posted March 13, 2009
Just discovered a few more iPhone/iPod Touch games. Probably one of my favorite, if not my favorite would be Jelly Car. It’s a little bit of a puzzle game. You have to navigate through small obstacle courses using the touch screen and accelerometer. Search for “JellyCar” in iTunes.
Some other favorite games include TapDefense, Trace, and Toxic Balls.
Website: Classics in Lego – Flickr album
Posted March 11, 2009
Found this picture album by Balakov on Flickr. He basically has recreated some famous images in history with legos. The only weird thing for me on this is the expression on the lego pieces. They are all smiling even in some more somber moments of history.
Review: Canon 24-105mm f/4 L IS
Posted March 11, 2009
I got a new toy. How can I afford a new toy these days? I didn’t spend anything more. I basically sold two other lenses to get this one. I basically wanted to get an overall walk-around lens and not have a few specialty lenses that I only use on occasion. I basically sold my macro lens and my wide angle lens. Parting with the wide angle was probably the toughest decision but I think it was the right move. This won’t be a very technical review but just mainly my experiences with the lens compared to lenses I have owned in the past.
Oyster Pancakes lose 2-1 in a heartbreaker
Posted March 10, 2009
Well, it was tough loss last night in roller hockey. we lost 2-1 to the Annihilators. They scored with about 30 seconds left in the game. In our league, they don’t go into overtime or shootouts during the regular season. All I have to say is, even though we lost, that was probably one of the most fun games I’ve ever played in. Basically, there was no score until the last few minutes of the game. I think we’re really coming together as a team. There’s always next Monday.
Website: “Top” four instant sound effect sites
Posted March 9, 2009
Have you ever been in a room where someone tells a stupid (maybe funny joke) and you wished you could play a rim shot? How about if you ask someone a question and they give you the wrong answer and you want to play that sad horn sound you see on TV game shows? Now you can (after that long worded intro there). Download Squad gives us the “Top” four instant sound effect sites. Now you’ll be the life of the party, especially if you have a computer in front of you.
Here are the top four sound effect sites:
Instant Rim Shot
A timeless classic. Something I can relate to. Maybe it’s because I tell lame jokes all the time
Sad Trombone
My personal favorite for sure. I think of so many get togethers where our subject of conversation could end with this. Apparently it’s the favorite of many because as of this post, the site is very slow.
Instant Crickets
I probably make this sound effect the most. I really should get a copy of it and put it on my phone.
Emergency Yodel
Not sure about this one at all but oh well, it’s there.
There are some other great ones on the site. Check it out.
the Great Park Balloon – grounded today
Posted March 5, 2009
Every time I come home from work I always see this huge orange balloon floating in the air. Of course, it’s the Great Park Balloon just down the street from my house. I attempted to go on it a few times but I’ve gone when it was raining or too windy. Today was no exception. Grounded due to some wind. I decided not to wait to see if the winds calm down. I did run into Phoebe and little Zoe and they decided to wait a little. Hopefully they had a chance to go on. Of course, my main reason is not to go on some ride but to get some pictures of the balloon and high up from the balloon. Well, perhaps another week. I saw some clouds so of course I had to take some pictures HDR style.