Windows 3.1…. those were the days

Posted April 20, 2009

Windows 3.1Interesting how operating systems have evolved.  Of course, most of you don’t even know what I’m talking about.  For example, Windows 3.1 use to be about the novalty and a somewhat functional OS.  After people got use to these operating systems, they had to make them pretty and add eye candy.  I actually like Windows Vista but of course, I’m sticking with OS X on my Mac.

Here’s a website that shows an evolution of OS interface designs.
Visit Website

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CSS is awesome

Posted April 13, 2009

css_mugThanks to my buddy Andrew, I am now the envy of all my nerdy web developer friends.  He got me a nice little mug from  Don’t be jealous.  You too can have your own very mug.

Link to the product

PS: If you don’t know what CSS is…  umm.. don’t worry about it.


Jelly Car, all levels passed

Posted April 8, 2009

jellycarRemember that iPod game I recommended a little while ago?  I was able to pass all the levels.  What’s next?  Improve on my times now.  🙂

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JetLev-Flyer Water Jet Pack

Posted April 6, 2009

I didn’t have any interest in water sports until this:

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Mini Hydro Turbine concept

Posted April 6, 2009

water-turbine-generator I just love reading about new concepts, especially when it comes to alternative energy.  I’m not too much into being green (even though I drive a Prius), but there’s something about alternative energy sources that peaks my interests.  The Mini Hydro Turbine concept is an interesting concept.  Of course, you have figure that it’s not going generate that much power and you might have to leave the water on for a very long time.  A great concept but probably some ways to go.

I found this at Engadget

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Oyster Pancakes… tie game

Posted March 31, 2009

Well… we played a pretty good team last night. We tied them. We suspect that some of them were playing with their off-hand. Basically what I’m saying is, if they aren’t restricted, they have no business being in our league. Here’s one of the guys on their team. Note, this wasn’t our actual game.

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Laguna Beach

Posted March 30, 2009

lagunaThis past weekend a bunch of us got together for a little (well… maybe not so little) meal.  Afterwards, we got some yogurt and decided to head to the ocean.  Here’s a shot of Laguna Beach write before sunset.  I didn’t take a trip with me so it may not be the clearest picture.  Funny, we never actually stepped on the beach but just looked from on high.

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Extreme Sheep LED Art

Posted March 27, 2009


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Canon EOS Rebel T1i announced!

Posted March 25, 2009

After I wrote the blog post about downloading the podcast about the Canon EOS Rebel T1i, I posted an entry on the forum asking if anyone had seen it.  No one had seen it, so I posted a link to the blog post and I saw a definite spike in traffic.  Later on that night I see a blog entry from Engadget with the same screenshot that I took from the video.  They had a link to my original forum post from  I check back about a hour later and all over the internet, Canon announces the camera.  After they did, all the sites started posting their initial reviews of the camera.  There was probably an embargo on mentioning the camera until their scheduled event.  I’m not sure my mentioning of the CNET podcast was the reason why Canon announced it earlier, but I like to think so.  All I have to say is… sorry CNET.  🙂

Here’s the video that I downloaded yesterday at around 4pm yesterday:

I didn’t upload the video to my site yesterday because I don’t have the bandwidth to host it. I didn’t post it up on youtube because they took it down on the CNET site, so I thought for sure they would take it down on youtube.

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Canon Rebel T1i

Posted March 24, 2009

canont1iI was downloading my latest podcasts and one of them was from CNET Product Reviews.  The product was the Canon EOS Rebel T1i.  I was like, a new DSLR.  I’m always interested to see new stuff coming out.

The most interesting thing to me was specs.
Same sensor size as the 50D, 15 MP, and video mode (720p @ 30 frames/sec and 1080p and 20 frames/sec).

Interestingly enough, I tried to do a search on all the major camera sites and nothing.  A search in google shows a link to the CNET video, but the video is not working online.  I read in one of the forums that it is suppose to be announced tomorrow.  I think CNET may have jumped the gun.

It’s an exciting announcement.  We’re starting to see video trickle down to the more affordable models of DSLR’s.  I know that you can do video in point and shoot cameras but there is nothing like doing video with really expensive glass.