Three Wolf Moon T-Shirt

Posted May 24, 2009

41glbyfzngl_ss500_Oh the power of the internet.  Basically, people started writing fake reviews on Amazon about this t-shirt.  Because it started getting so many reviews, it started to become one of the best selling t-shirts in the past couple of weeks.  Some of the reviews are hilarious.

Of course, the makers of the shirt are not very happy with what’s going on.  First of all, I’m not sure if they are making any money off Amazon sales directly and they think that their work is not being taken seriously.

Here’s a link to the BBC story.

Click here to see all the fascinating reviews.  Here are a few of my favorites:

I had a two-wolf shirt for a while and I didn’t think life could get any better. I was wrong. Life got 50% better, no lie.

I purchased the 3 wolf moon shirt while on vacation in Utah but I forgot it in the hotel room. Imagine my surprise when 7 weeks later, I heard a knock at my door back home. It was 3 wolf moon! It walked all the way to my house by itself. Excellent fit, too.


Game 2… tough loss in many way

Posted May 22, 2009

Well, I wasn’t going to write about game 2, but since I wrote about game 1, I’m only obligated to.  Did I watch the game last night?  Part of it.  I get a little to worked up about these games.  Part of the reason is, I know the Lakers are good and can beat any team, but they don’t play like it the entire game.  They had glimpses of greatness even in that game but it didn’t happen.  I still think they will pull it off but it’s very frustrating to watch.

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Lakers take game 1

Posted May 20, 2009

nba_g_billups_576A great game last night.  Of course, I didn’t watch too much of the game.  I get too much into the game with my blood pressure going up. 🙂   I’ll be much happier if the Lakers win game 2.  The Lakers seemed very flat coming into the game.  I think that the Nuggets are a dangerous  team but I also think the Lakers will play better.  No predictions here but go Lakers.  By the way, love this photo.

Photo by Stephen Dunn / Getty Images

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Kind of a big lens

Posted May 20, 2009

116642Canon 1200mm f/5.6L Lens.  Only $120,000.  Hmm… nothing more to say about that.


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Posted May 19, 2009

fumigation So I’m homeless for a few days. Oh well. Remember people, get your house inspected for termites at least annually. Those little bugs can really be a pain.

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Design Coding Rap

Posted May 16, 2009

For all the web designers or wannabe web designers.

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Yogurt Land Empty… wow

Posted May 16, 2009

Yogurt LandThis was definitely a sight to see today.  It was around noon time on a Saturday and it was pretty warm out, I would say around the low to mid 80’s, and Yogurt Land was empty.  Not complaining, but both the wife and I immediately took out our phones to take a picture of the rare sight.  Of course, as I’m writing this post, Yogurt Land is probably filled with people right now.  Anyway, just thought I share that with you.

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The next PC for the family

Posted May 15, 2009

This is the trend the way of how PC’s seem to be going. My mom, who is the perfect example of how many people use computers, uses mainly two types of programs. She uses the web browser and Microsoft Office. This will be the next PC I buy for her. One day I’m going to look back at this post and laugh at how big this PC is.

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Burger Grease Art

Posted May 15, 2009

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Review: Magellan 1412 GPS

Posted May 13, 2009

Magellan 1412With a few road trips planned this year, I wanted to get a GPS device.  I knew I wasn’t going to use it on an everyday basis, I wanted to find the cheapest one possible.  I was shopping at Costco and I passed by the GPS units.  I basically wanted to find the cheapest one on sale.  The Magellan RoadMate 1412 was staring at me at the price of $129.00 before tax.  The only GPS unit I have owned before was the Tomtom GPS system for my old Treo 650.  It required a separate bluetooth GPS receiver.  The software was awesome and it worked very well, with the exception of that time in Hawaii (don’t ask).

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