Coronado wedding

Posted June 13, 2009

coronado Shot a wedding yesterday. Beautiful venue and even better bride and groom. Here’s a shot of the venue.  Had a great time.  It didn’t help my cold one bit, but good times.  The wedding was at the Island Club located in Coronado, CA on the naval base.


Living Movie Posters

Posted June 10, 2009

I want to try something like this… of course, maybe not with a Red camera which will set me back my life savings, but the concept is cool.

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Weekend Trip coming to an end

Posted June 7, 2009

Well, it’s been a fun time around the Sunnyvale area.  We basically stayed in this area.  Tomorrow we will head back.  Let’s see… what did we do today?  First it was the Hakone Gardens.  Ate lunch at a little place called the Blue Rock Shoot.  After that, the Mountain Winery where we had an amazing view of area.  After that, some really good Chinese food, watched Slumdog Millionaire on DVD (a very good movie).  Here are some pictures from the day and yes, a lot of them are HDR photos.  Went a little overboard on the tone mapping but oh well.

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My next monitor…. not…. but I wouldn’t mind.

Posted June 4, 2009

NEC CurveThis might be a little too much monitor for me.  Actually, my neck might hurt if I had this monitor.  I would have to have a desk that is pretty deep so I could put this pretty far back.  Estimated street price: $7,999

Link to story

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GETAC, oh the memories

Posted June 3, 2009

getacSo I came across this story via Engadget on a new rugged laptop made by GETAC.  This really brings back memories.  Why?  When I was in college, I worked for them, mainly doing web stuff (before I really knew how to do web stuff).  At the time, they had really only 2-3 products which were sold in military contracts or to construction companies needing a rugged notebook computer.  I just remember being in the back of the werehouse testing these computers, putting them in the big oven/freezing machine to make sure they past specs.  Then there was the time where they wanted me to buy the competitors product so we could take a look at the competition.  How did we test it?  Well, of course, we did the drop test… while the computer was on.  Interesting, at that time, the GETAC laptop, which was enclosed in this heavy metal casing, turned off, but was still perfectly fine.  Our competitors laptop not only was working fine, but it stayed on.  Those were the days of cooking, freezing, and dropping laptops.

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DSLR Camera Remote for the iPhone / iPod Touch

Posted June 2, 2009

dslr_remote I rarely buy apps for my iPod Touch but when an app comes out that is just simply too cool, I have to get it.  It will be of use in the future as well.  This app is DSLR Camera Remote by onOne Software.  With my camera attached to my laptop and my iPod Touch on the same WiFi network (or connected directly via an Adhoc connection), I can control my camera from my iPod Touch.  It’s just simply a cool app.  It even supports live view (if the camera supports it).  The picture here is one I took using this app and my Canon 40D.  As of this post, the software only support Canon DSLR’s but I’m sure Nikon will soon follow.

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A big upset?

Posted May 30, 2009

I big upset today. I’m not talking about the Magic beating the Cavs… I’m talking about Diversity winning over Susan Boyle in Britain’s Got Talent. I must admit, I was one of the millions who got sucked into the whole Susan Boyle phenomenon. I didn’t necessarily become a Susan Boyle fan, but I became a fan of the show. I thought that Diversity was the best act and they were my favorite act, but I though that Susan Boyle would win due to the publicity she has gotten.

Here’s a video of the results portion of the finals:

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Verizon Wireless to carry Palm Pre, Storm 2 “in about six months”

Posted May 28, 2009

Okay, maybe I should create a new category called, “The adventure of Patrick’s next phone.”  According to this Engadget article, the Palm Pre should be coming out on Verizon in about 6 months.  If I can stay on Verizon, that would be awesome.  If this is true, a six month time period would be perfect.  The biggest problem I have with the iPhone…  AT&T.  I think the iPhone as a device has the best platform so far but I’m not a big fan of AT&T.  I hear that they are improving a lot, so we’ll see.  I very much have brand loyalty to Verizon.

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Photo: “Think”

Posted May 28, 2009

thinkLove this photo.  I typically don’t jack people’s photos off their website, but if it’s a great photo, then it’s a great photo.

Click here to see the actual Flickr page.

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The Palm Pre is almost here

Posted May 28, 2009

palm_preOn June 6th, the Palm Pre will arrive in stores.  Am I going to get one?  At least not right away.  Will I ever get one?  That remains to be seen.  I read a story today that the Pre might work with iTunes seamlessly, just like an iPod or iPhone was attached to the computer.  That’s just right up my alley.  There are reports that there will be a shortage of these things initially.  I’m not one to wait in line or camp out.  Plus, I think June will be the month of phone announcements.  Rumors of the iPhone maybe coming to Verizon (which probably won’t happen) and the most intrigring one to me is the rumored touch screen Blackberry.  I’m not talking about the Blackberry Storm (which was the biggest disappointment to me), but a Bold like device with a touch screen.  I’m not totally waiting in anticipation.  I’ve gone this far without an iPhone and I can go longer with Blackberry Pearl.