The Blackberry Tour – Possibly my next phone
Posted July 9, 2009
I know I have been talking about the Palm Pre for awhile now. Of course there have been mixed reviews but overall I think people are happy with it, including my buddy Sam. The one downside… Sprint. Not that Sprint is that bad but I’m still on Verizon. There are three phones that I would love to have… iPhone, Palm Pre, or the G1 Android phone. The interfaces to these phones are awesome, innovative and quite useful. The blackberry OS, let me tell you… kind of getting old. It’s not a touch screen and plus, my Blackberry Pearl is pretty sluggish at times.
Then why I would I stick with the Blackberry? This week got me thinking about stuff. I’ve had an insanely busy week as related to work. I had to get a number of sites out the last two weeks. There’s one thing that the Blackberry does very well… Email. So I asked myself… function over style or style over function? Don’t get me wrong… the Blackberry Tour looks pretty gorgeous but it’s not one of those other phones. Yes, more multimedia capabilities and better social networking compatibility, but no touch screen. Once it comes out next week and I play with it in the store I may have a totally different opinion. One thing I can definitely count on is that it will function and help me get my work done. We’ll see what happens.
Get Firefox 3.5
Posted July 3, 2009
If you haven’t downloaded it yet, you should get Firefox 3.5. Not much has changed on the outside (a few tweaks) but the browser seems snappier. When Safari 4 came out I was really blown away by the speed. This version didn’t blow me away like that but it is definitely faster and snappier. Javascript performance is definitely faster. What is my default browser? Firefox for sure. I was trying to use Safari but there is one thing that makes me use Firefox. It is not the plugins because I could live without the plugins. It’s the keyboard shortcuts that I can do between tabs. If I have three tabs open and I want to switch to tab three, I can press Ctrl+3 (Command + 3 on the Mac). Believe it or not, that is the one key thing that keeps me on Firefox. Chrome on the PC has the same feature. This is of course a personal choice but to me, keyboard shortcuts is the way to go. Maybe one day I’ll do a post on the type of keyboard shortcuts and tools I use to increase my productivity. If you are a heavy mouse user, you’re going too slow. 🙂 Of course, there are some thing that only a mouse can reach but that’s because they haven’t created the keyboard shortcut for it.
Scammers… they are out there
Posted July 1, 2009
Scammers are everywhere on the net. Of course, you hear stories about people being sent rocks on eBay instead of that expensive camera you already paid with, but that’s not the only way scammers try to get you. Let me preface this story by saying that I didn’t get scammed but the attempt was there. The reason why I’m sharing the story is that at a certain point, it was so obvious, and even comical that a scam was going on. I just hope that nobody would be so naive to fall for these tricks. I didn’t say stupid because there are some who just don’t know and are truly naive.
Don’t let this happen to your phone….
Posted June 29, 2009
The phone still worked after he picked it up but we’ll see if it continues to work. He definitely voided his warranty. 🙂
The world’s biggest alarm clock
Posted June 28, 2009
I’m not that heavy of a sleeper to need something like this.
Mimo Mini USB Monitor
Posted June 25, 2009
Part of the reason why I blog about certain items is so I can look back on what caught my eye. Most of the gadgets I put on here are items that I will never get or never afford to get. Ther are certain gadgets that I would definitely consider getting. Of course, the recent one being the Palm Pre, but another one that has come out is the Mimo mini USB monitor. I just love these kind of thing. Imagine being able to put all your chat windows, maybe music in another monitor while you do some work or if you have a tv tuner, to be able to put the TV on a small monitor while you do stuff or vice versa. This thing is pretty cool and I can see this being more common in the future. Think Geek already sold them out but we’ll see how many of these show up in the future.
Muvi micro DV Camcorder… things are getting way too small.
Posted June 24, 2009
I realize that there are small cameras and secret spy camera that are smaller than this thing but this is a consumer DV cam. Things are getting way small. I believe most of our smart phones we carry these days are probably faster than my 386 30 Mhz computer back in the day. I don’t really have any desire to get this thing but I thought it was interesting. Maybe one day I’m going to post my entire hockey because I had this clipped on my jersey the entire game. Of course, I’ll have to bleep out the audio a bit (not from our team of course, the other team).
Review: Kung Fu Panda
Posted June 20, 2009
I don’t watch too many movies but the wife and I had a relaxing night and popped in a video that we had. In short, I must say that Kung Fu Panda is one of the most entertaining movies I have ever seen. I mean, it has it all… Action, drama, comedy. What more can you ask for? Two thumbs up. Seriously though, it was a very entertaining movie.