A Normal Day

Posted August 6, 2009

umm.. how many takes did this take…

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Driven to Distraction

Posted July 28, 2009

driver.LMy  buddy Dan forward me this article in the NY Times about the dangers of texting and driving.

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Posted July 26, 2009

Back from my mini vacation from Disneyland.  Here are some shots.  I’m going HDR crazy here…

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Kingston unveils 256GB thumb drive

Posted July 20, 2009

kingstonI can remember getting a birthday gift from my buddy Ryan.  It was a 256 MB Lexar USB drive.  This one is 256 GB!!  Some may ask, why would you need so much?  Believe me, there are a lot of uses for that.  I could use it as a portable Time Machine backup, but that would be one expensive Time Machine backup.  Oh how things have changed or advanced in just a few years.

Got this story via Engadget

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Boston Harbor (inner harbor)

Posted July 17, 2009

bostonJust revisiting old photos again.  This was from our trip 2 months ago.  This was taking right after we finished with the New England Aquarium, which by the way is one of the best aquariums.  HDR shot, but I didn’t go too crazy this time, at least I toned it down a bit.

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Norwegian PM’s Monitor Rig

Posted July 16, 2009

504x_prime_ministers_rigPresident Obama is suppose to be one of the most tech savvy presidents we’ve ever had in this country.  I mean he has a Blackberry.  Well… he’s got nothing on the Prime Minister of Norway, Jens Stoltenberg.  Those are 8 monitors on his desk.

Got this story via Gizmodo

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Symphony of ink jets

Posted July 15, 2009

All I have to say is too much time on someone’s hands and a lot of wasted paper. 🙂

HP – invent from Tom and Matt on Vimeo.

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Mac OS X is awesome

Posted July 14, 2009

osx14intromovieI was working on a website the other day and my setup is pretty typical… work on a local copy and then upload to the live site after.  It gets complicated when there are multiple people working one project.  To make a long story short, something happened with one of my files and it ended up that the file on the server and on my Mac was 0 bytes.  That’s not good.  Not the end of the world because I knew that another person working on the site probably had a copy of the file.  The file was probably like only 8K in size but if I did it over, it was a probably an extra 1-2 hours of work.  I called up the other guy but no answer.  Then I realized that I have Mac OS Leopard and an external hard drive.  What does that mean?  It means that I have “Time Machine.”  Time Machine is basically an automatic backup program that let’s you go back to a version of a file from a previous day or restore a file that you have accidentally deleted.  I ran Time Machine and there was the file.  Of course, I could have waited to get the file from the other guy but I was able to get the file right away and what if I was the only one working on the site?  That would have not been good.  That one feature alone for me is reason enough to get a Mac.  Actually it was one of the main reasons why I upgraded from Mac OS 10.4 to 10.5.  Of course, all Macs that you buy from here on will have this featured built in.

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Played with the Blackberry Tour this weekend

Posted July 13, 2009

So the Blackberry Tour is out on both Verizon and Sprint.  I went to the store to check it out.  It’s obvious that the Blackberry is not a phone for everybody.  They had plenty in stock and not everyone was crowding around to see it, although the Blackberry Storm was a bit different in that respect.  My first impressions… gorgeous screen, very response compared to my Pearl.  The only thing about it is the keyboard.  It’s kind of interesting that I would say that because the keyboard is probably one of the things that people like the most.   I hear it’s similar to the Bold in that each key is flushed together closely and not separate like it is on the Curve.  I’m sure I would get use to it but I wasn’t overwhelmed by the phone.  If you’re thinking about getting the tour, definitely go into  the store and try it out first.  By the way, I did not buy one this weekend.  It turns out that I’m not eligible for the full upgrade until October.  On a side note, while I was waiting for the salesrep to help me, I was playing around with the Blackberry Storm.  You know what, I think it’s actually starting to grow on me a bit.  It still does feel sluggish, but typing on it wasn’t actually too bad this time.  I’m not going to get one but if they improve on it in the next version, it’ll definitely be a serious contender.

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