Great Park Balloon

Posted November 25, 2009

Pictures from the Great Park Balloon.

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Another week, interesting week last week.

Posted November 23, 2009

Just another normal week.  All I can say, busy busy busy.  Working on probably 3 huge projects right now.  On Friday, Nam and I were at Real Time Crunch Up in San Francisco.  We were given in a once in a life time opportunity to demo our new site ( in front of 500-600 attendees and probably a couple thousand watching on the internet.  That went well.  Other than that, took the wife to the Great Park Balloon and took some decent pictures (post of pictures coming soon).

Posts coming this week:

  • First part of my review of the Motorola Droid
  • Great Park Balloon Pictures
  • Some thoughts on Google Chrome OS
  • Whatever else comes up…

Have a great Turkey Day.

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Interesting Marketing

Posted November 3, 2009

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Google adds free turn-by-turn navigation, car dock UI to Android 2.0

Posted October 28, 2009

gmap-nav-rm-eng-dnpInteresting how Google always seems to stir up the pot.  Free turn by turn navigation.  They’ll eventually come out with this on other smartphones.  Of course, the main problem with Google maps is that you have to have a cell connection, which seems to be an issue where you need the navigation the most.  I’m excited because this is going to be included in Verizon Droid phone, which was announced today.

Link to article on Engadget

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Photo Project for 2010

Posted October 24, 2009

mePicture a Day

This kind of project is not new but I just wanted to do something that would force me to shoot more pictures.  Basically what I wanted to do is create a book where it would just be a picture for each day of the year.  What kind of pictures?  It could be anything.  It could be of my upcoming travels, my future nephew coming in March, etc.  It could be of any random thing.  The point is to get a collection of pictures for the whole year.  Pictures will come from my DSLR, my wife’s little point and shoot, a friend’s camera that I borrow, my camera phone, etc.

The final result will be just a picture book that is in chronological order.  Some pages may have up to 4 pictures and some may have only 1 (especially if I really like the shot I took that day).  I don’t know if I’ll publish it to the web because I know I’ll take pictures of people.

I have two main problems or concerns.  First of all, can I really keep it up.  I hope so.  Lastly, I have to wait two months to start this particular project.  I wanted to start yesterday but I think the beginning of the new year will be best.

What do you think of the idea?

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Motorola Droid

Posted October 24, 2009

motorola-droid-preview-5This could finally be it.  My next phone maybe.  I’ve pretty much decided that an Android phone will be my next phone and there are at least 2-3 phones coming out on Verizon in the beginning of November.

Checkout the Motorola Droid Preview.

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Flower and the Bee (Macro)

Posted October 19, 2009

flower-macroLast Friday I had an engagement shoot at the Fullerton Arboretum.  I had about 15-20 minutes before the couple got there so I decided to bust out my macro lens.  I saw a flower that I wanted to take a picture and while I was focusing a bee decided to land on that same flower.  Sometimes you just have to get lucky on a shot.

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My latest macro

Posted October 17, 2009


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The Piano Stairs…. fun

Posted October 15, 2009

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Boston Kitchen on Batson Ave.

Posted October 15, 2009

boston-kitchenSo I was in Roland Heights today and I stopped at a light.  On my left was a restaurant named Boston Kitchen.  I realized I was on Batson Ave.  Then I thought to myself… do you think they named it Boston Kitchen because someone didn’t pronounce Batson very well and someone heard… oh… “Boston”.  Just a random thought.  As you noticed, not blogging much lately.  Maybe I’ll pick it up as things die down.

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