Japanese Garden – Huntington Library, Pasadena, CA
Posted January 15, 2009
The moon is hard to shoot
Posted January 10, 2009
Dude, the moon is not easy to shoot, especially the first time. A few things I realized and learned… you need a pretty long lens, like a 500-600mm to get a good shot of it. I used my 200mm and it looked pretty small on my LCD screen. Luckily I have 10 megapixels to work with. The next thing I learned is, you need a pretty fast shutter speed to capture the moon. The above picture was taken with a shutter speed of 1/8000 sec.
Look at how small the moon was out of the camera even at 200mm.
The lobsters have arrived
Posted January 8, 2009
Like most people, I shoot a lot of pictures, but I print very few of them. When I do print out pictures, I usually print out 4×6 prints or 5×7. Before yesterday, the biggest prints that we had in the house were a bunch of 11×14 and 11×17 prints on the wall. My wife really liked the picture I took of some lobsters we ate during our trip to Boston while visiting Andy and Crystal. She liked it so much that she thought it would be really good decoration right near the dining table. How big you ask? It’s 24×36 print. Man, I’ve never printed out something this big before.
Rodman / Tramel Wedding
Posted January 7, 2009
Finally finished going through Tim and Emily’s wedding. Here are some shots from their wedding.
Congratulations to Erik and Dorothee Johnson
Posted January 5, 2009
Congratulations to Erik (Kjell) and Dorothee Johnson who were married on January 3rd, 2009. How do I know? Well, I was the photographer at the wedding. I must say, one of the best weddings I have shot. There were a few reasons why, but the picture to the left is probably one of my favorite, if not my best shot I’ve taken for a wedding. This was barely processed. One huge thing (and I mean that in more ways than one) that I had with me this time was a rented Canon 85 1.2L lens. I mean, this thing was huge, but it produced some shots that were absolutely stunning. If anyone wants to buy me a birthday present, here is a link to the amazon page where you can buy it for me. Okay, maybe not, but one thing is for sure, I will rent this lens again in the future. Pictures from this wedding to come soon.
My digital camera history
Posted January 2, 2009
I’ve owned my share of digital cameras. It’s really interesting to see how things have changed from my love of gadgets to my love of photography. Don’t get me wrong… I love me my gadgets, but at this point of my life, if I had to choose between getting the money shot or getting the latest and greatest gadget, I totally go for the money shot. I know my wife doesn’t believe that, but it’s true. Here’s a little short history of the digital cameras I’ve owned in the past.
My favorite picture of the year
Posted December 29, 2008
Four Seasons, Carlsbad, CA. Not much of a story to this one. I was shooting at the Newmatic Engineering dinner and I got there a little bit earlier. This was right outside the room where the dinner was held. This is a HDR image. Basically it’s three images overlaid on top of each other and processed. Of course, I wanted to make it look like a painting.