My HDR album

Posted February 4, 2009

Just started my album HDR album where I’ll put all the HDR stuff I do. Of course I’ll post them one by one as I do them, but here’s the ever growing album.

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Last days in Cambridge

Posted February 1, 2009

Well, last days in Cambridge.  Let’s see, Friday night home meeting, Saturday tour of Harvard and MIT, a little sledding in icey conditions, and Saturday night college meeting.  Lord’s day was of course the table meeting and of course the Super Bowl.  Btw, a pretty good game.

Here are some photos from the Harvard / MIT tour:

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Latest pictures from Boston (mostly HDR photos)

Posted January 27, 2009

Here are some pictures I took today wandering around Boston.

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My latest shot from Portland

Posted January 24, 2009

portland8My latest shot from portland today.

Marquam Bridge

Update coming later tonight.

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First shots from Portland

Posted January 23, 2009

portland01First full day in Portland.  We did some  hiking today and saw a number of waterfalls.  I just wanted to do a few HDR shots today.  Here’s one of the first ones I shot.  It turned out really well.  The main thing was to try to capture the sky as well.

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A lot cameras…

Posted January 22, 2009

beijingI was just looking through my bookmarks and came across this site from the Beijing Olympics.   Man, that’s a lot of photographers.  Don’t you think they can just email each other the picture to save some time?  🙂

Visit Website

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Beep. Click. Fume. – TWIPPHOTO.COM

Posted January 21, 2009

I like reading the story behind either a photograph or a tip on photography.  This article was written by a writer named Andy Ihnatko of the Chicago Sun Times.  He has a certain type of humor and style that I enjoy reading.  Okay, I won’t summarize the article but just link to it.  Maybe you won’t find it as interesting as I do, but oh well.

Read Article

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My favorite photo revisited

Posted January 20, 2009

Okay… so now I’m into new ways of processing (and sometimes over processing) photos, I wanted to see what kind of things I can do to one of favorite, if not my favorite, photos that I have ever taken.  It’s not necessarily my favorite photo, but at least one of the ones which I have taken.

img_4153 img_4153-1
Original Processed

As you can tell, the processed one has more contrast and saturation of colors.  The original is more representative what we saw.  The sand was that white and the water was that clear.  The processed one is more dramatic, especially in the sky.  Anyway, something interesting that I kind of wanted to do.  What do you think?

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Long Exposure Photography

Posted January 20, 2009

long_expWebsite: Digital Photography School – Long Exposure Photography

I think I want to get into long exposure photography more, along with HDR photos.  Some of the shots on these websites are absolutely stunning.  Check it out.

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Old photos revisited

Posted January 19, 2009

I’ve been getting into this HDR thing more and more.  One way to do HDR images is to take one photo, increase and decrease the exposure and combine them together.  I went to back to some old photos to try this out.  Of course, I went a little extreme on some of them purposely to see what kind of effects I can do.

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