Flower and the Bee (Macro)

Posted October 19, 2009

flower-macroLast Friday I had an engagement shoot at the Fullerton Arboretum.  I had about 15-20 minutes before the couple got there so I decided to bust out my macro lens.  I saw a flower that I wanted to take a picture and while I was focusing a bee decided to land on that same flower.  Sometimes you just have to get lucky on a shot.

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My latest macro

Posted October 17, 2009


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Recent Wedding Shots

Posted September 30, 2009

I shot two weddings, two weekends in a row.  Here are some shots from the two weddings.  I’m slowly starting to get more “portfolio” worthy shots the more weddings I shoot.  Like anything in life, there’s always room for improvement.

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Tea Cups… an American classic.

Posted September 7, 2009

tea-cupsFrom my recent trip to Disneyland.  I like this picture because it shows both fast motion and still objects in one picture.  A classic ride but haven’t gone on it in ages.  The wife gets too sick if she does on this.

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Philadelphia Trip almost over

Posted August 30, 2009

My Philadelphia trip is coming to an end.  Tomorrow, just a little walk around the University City area and then lunch with Kevin.  After that, we start our journey back.  Today we finally made it to Old City where we saw that broken bell and the outside of Independence Hall (too late to get tickets to get in).  We grilled steaks and vegetables back at the Yeow’s.  Overall, it’s been a good and relaxing trip. Here are some pics from today.

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Philadelphia Day 1

Posted August 28, 2009

Day 1 in Philadelphia was relaxing.  We didn’t get to do the touristy things today because it rained.  Maybe Sunday afternoon or Monday.  Hopefully the weather will clear up.  We first had a quick tour of the UPenn campus.  We did go into the famous Wharton business school building.  Then we had lunch with Kevin and his parents, who are visiting, at Honey’s.  Very good food.  After that, we hung out with the Esther’s (Esther C and Esther H) and had some gelatos at Capogiro Gelato.  We have some events to go to tomorrow so it doesn’t seem like it’ll be a big picture day.  Here are two pictures from today…  one from Wharton and the other from Capogrio Gelato.

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What’s the best camera? It’s the one you have with you.

Posted August 16, 2009

So we went to the Hollywood Bowl last night (thanks Rebecca for inviting us). In trying to get through the gate, they wouldn’t let me go through with a tripod. I was kind of figuring that they wouldn’t let me through. I checked in the tripod but then they wouldn’t let me get through with my DSLR. I asked him why. His response was, “It’s too big.” The only camera I had left was the one on my phone. My point is, sometimes we are looking for the best camera or best DSLR. Sometimes the best camera is the one that you can take with you. I don’t like taking my big camera with me all the time because it is just too inconvenient. Actually, some of the first pictures of some news stories have come from camera phones, such as the US Airways Flight 1549 emergency landing. Here are some recent pictures I’ve taken with my camera phone, including a picture from last night’s fireworks show at the Hollywood Bowl. As for the other shots… a shot from the fireworks show at Disneyland and a shot from my fishing trip a couple of weeks ago.

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Macworld Cover Creation

Posted August 12, 2009

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5×7 Print Sale

Posted August 6, 2009

5×7 Prints for 10 cents each at Wink Flash.  Use the code 10PRINTS.  Sale ends Aug 18th.

I’ve had some good experiences with Wink Flash in the past.  I thought I would give it a try with some of my HDR photos.  I put in a small order of these photos…

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Posted July 26, 2009

Back from my mini vacation from Disneyland.  Here are some shots.  I’m going HDR crazy here…

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