Congratulations to Erik and Dorothee Johnson

Posted January 5, 2009

img_2429Congratulations to Erik (Kjell) and Dorothee Johnson who were married on January 3rd, 2009.  How do I know?  Well, I was the photographer at the wedding.  I must say, one of the best weddings I have shot.  There were a few reasons why, but the picture to the left is probably one of my favorite, if not my best shot I’ve taken for a wedding.  This was barely processed.  One huge thing (and I mean that in more ways than one) that I had with me this time was a rented Canon 85 1.2L lens.  I mean, this thing was huge, but it produced some shots that were absolutely stunning.  If anyone wants to buy me a birthday present, here is a link to the amazon page where you can buy it for me.  Okay, maybe not, but one thing is for sure, I will rent this lens again in the future.  Pictures from this wedding to come soon.

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