A new blog (again!)

Posted December 29, 2008

Okay… I’ve started and restarted many blogs in the past.  I think this time will be able to sustain it.  Why?  Well, I think I’m more in the blogging mode than in the past.  Why am I starting another blog?  I just like to be able to look back at the year and see what has happened.  2008 has been an interesting year.  I’m a year out of the Full-time Training now and I still feel like a lot has happened.  Anyway, just ranting right now, but I guess that’s what I can do on my own blog.  I will definitely post up pictures and probably won’t even object to posting pictures of people.  In the past I had a policy of not posting pictures of people without their permission.  We’ll see how that goes.

I guess this will be a blog of a photographer, gadget lover, programmer, but most importantly a lover of Christ.

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