Patrick's Blog

Road Trip Day 9 and 10

We left Champaign, IL today and now are in Columbus, OH. We had a sweet time in Champaign. The home meeting was sweet. It was awesome seeing old friends and meeting new ones as well. This morning we had brunch with Seth and J Liu, mini team reunion. We are around the 2400 mile point of our travels. Our little Prius has been good to us. We actually had some time to take the car in for it’s regular maintenance in Champaign. At the end of the trip, I will give the total amount spent on gas for the entire trip. I can’t see it being more than $120, but that’s just a guess. Going cross country like this is definitely an adventure everyone should experience at some point in their lives. Not many pictures these past couple of days or least ones that I will post but hopefully more to come soon.

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