Patrick's Blog

Photo Project for 2010

mePicture a Day

This kind of project is not new but I just wanted to do something that would force me to shoot more pictures.  Basically what I wanted to do is create a book where it would just be a picture for each day of the year.  What kind of pictures?  It could be anything.  It could be of my upcoming travels, my future nephew coming in March, etc.  It could be of any random thing.  The point is to get a collection of pictures for the whole year.  Pictures will come from my DSLR, my wife’s little point and shoot, a friend’s camera that I borrow, my camera phone, etc.

The final result will be just a picture book that is in chronological order.  Some pages may have up to 4 pictures and some may have only 1 (especially if I really like the shot I took that day).  I don’t know if I’ll publish it to the web because I know I’ll take pictures of people.

I have two main problems or concerns.  First of all, can I really keep it up.  I hope so.  Lastly, I have to wait two months to start this particular project.  I wanted to start yesterday but I think the beginning of the new year will be best.

What do you think of the idea?

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