Copy and Paste on iPhone/iPod touch… Finally!

Posted March 17, 2009

apple-2009-iphone-3-1366-rmjpgIs it just me or do you find it a little bit funny how people get excited over something that should have been there from the start.  Copy and paste is now available on the iPhone / iPod touch.

A quote from the Engadget live blog of the event:
“Now as I said before, 3.0 brings a lot of new features for devs, but for customers as well… starting… with cut, copy, and paste.” Big cheers.

Then I mentioned it to some friends who hadn’t heard the news yet and  they were totally excited.  This is a feature that should have been there even before the released the first iPhone.  Better late than never I guess.  For me, I’ll wait for the Palm Pre to come out to make my decision on my next phone.  Maybe the next generation iPhone, who knows.

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