Patrick's Blog

Canon Rebel T1i

canont1iI was downloading my latest podcasts and one of them was from CNET Product Reviews.  The product was the Canon EOS Rebel T1i.  I was like, a new DSLR.  I’m always interested to see new stuff coming out.

The most interesting thing to me was specs.
Same sensor size as the 50D, 15 MP, and video mode (720p @ 30 frames/sec and 1080p and 20 frames/sec).

Interestingly enough, I tried to do a search on all the major camera sites and nothing.  A search in google shows a link to the CNET video, but the video is not working online.  I read in one of the forums that it is suppose to be announced tomorrow.  I think CNET may have jumped the gun.

It’s an exciting announcement.  We’re starting to see video trickle down to the more affordable models of DSLR’s.  I know that you can do video in point and shoot cameras but there is nothing like doing video with really expensive glass.

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