My favorite photo revisited

Posted January 20, 2009

Okay… so now I’m into new ways of processing (and sometimes over processing) photos, I wanted to see what kind of things I can do to one of favorite, if not my favorite, photos that I have ever taken.  It’s not necessarily my favorite photo, but at least one of the ones which I have taken.

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Original Processed

As you can tell, the processed one has more contrast and saturation of colors.  The original is more representative what we saw.  The sand was that white and the water was that clear.  The processed one is more dramatic, especially in the sky.  Anyway, something interesting that I kind of wanted to do.  What do you think?

1 Response to "My favorite photo revisited". Add a comment? or Follow comments by RSS?

1. Comment by Jessica

Jan 21, 2009 at 3:47 pm

Can you keep the sand and water as original and the sky processed? 🙂

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