Posted January 2, 2009
I’ve owned my share of digital cameras. It’s really interesting to see how things have changed from my love of gadgets to my love of photography. Don’t get me wrong… I love me my gadgets, but at this point of my life, if I had to choose between getting the money shot or getting the latest and greatest gadget, I totally go for the money shot. I know my wife doesn’t believe that, but it’s true. Here’s a little short history of the digital cameras I’ve owned in the past.
Let’s see… it all started when my brother came back from Taiwan. One thing I definitely inherited from my dad was the love of just different gadgets. One thing that use to be true is that whenever my brother or I went to go visit my dad in Taiwan, we would always come back with one of his gadgets. This holds true for the first two cameras that I have owned.
1. Casio QV10
Man, talking about old cameras. This is probably one of the first digital cameras out there that was available to consumers. All I have to say is… this camera pretty much sucked, even for it’s time. Man, when did I get this thing? It only produced pictures that were I think 320×240 and I don’t think it was that cheap either. |
2. Sony Mavica FD5
Talking about huge cameras… this thing was a beast.This time it was my turn to return with something from Taiwan. Thanks dad… again. This thing didn’t use memory cards or didn’t even have internal memory. This thing took 3.5″ floppy disk! You can believe that? Do you even remember what a floppy disk is? No wonder why this thing was so big. This thing took pictures that were 640×480. Wow, 2X more than the previous. |
3. Canon S10
My first serious digital camera. I just loved taking pictures with this thing. This is when digital cameras were beginning to become more popular. This was a nice compact camera. It took great pictures for it’s time but one thing I must say… I went back to look at the pictures. Man, today’s cheapest cameras blow away those cameras. This camera had a whopping 2.1 Mega Pixels. |
4. Nikon CP885
Yes, believe it or not, I went to the other side and chose Nikon. Nikon and Canon shooters know what I”m talking about. Man, I loved this camera. I took some great pictures with this thing. It was nice a compact and I think it had 4 Mega Pixels. I got some great shots with this camera, especially when we were in London. Here’s one of the shots.. Sample shot |
5. Canon S50
I eventually did make it back to Canon. After a broken shutter and a repair, I decided to sell the Nikon. I was without a camera for a few months and then this guy came along. This thing was a rock. I mean, I could have really hurt someone with this thing if I threw it that them. I would say that one of my favorite shots of all time was taken by this camera. Here’s the shots: Bora Bora |
Thanks for going down memory lane with me. Of course, now I don’t have any point and shoot digital cameras. I have the biggers ones now, the DSLR’s. I have my Digital Rebel, which is slowly getting to be unusable and of course my baby, the Canon 40D, which I shoot all my weddings with. I’m not looking into getting a new camera any time soon. Only if I start a lot more money with my photography, then a new camera, here I come. (I do hope that happens).
*Many photos were taken from
1. Comment by jason kenny
Jan 15, 2009 at 10:14 pm
Nice writing. You are on my RSS reader now so I can read more from you down the road.
Jason Kenny
2. Pingback by My digital camera history (2016 Edition) | Patrick's Blog
Aug 15, 2016 at 4:28 pm
[…] 7 1/2 years ago I wrote a blog post that outlined my digital camera history. Since that time, I’ve gone through a good number of digital cameras. At certain times, I […]